Climate Adaptation
People around the world are and will be affected by climate change. Our work aims to foster more effective climate adaptation by 1) better characterizing how climate extremes will affect various aspects of life and livelihoods, 2) quantifying the value of climate and weather information in enabling climate adaptation, and 3) studying how adaptation-related funding and technology flow across communities and countries.
Examples of the lab's work in this area:
Little evidence of avoided yield loss in US corn when short-term forecasts correctly predict extreme heat
Environmental Research Letters (2023)
SJ Miller, E Clarke, SL Mathews
Dry spells and global crop production: A multi-stressor and multi-timescale analysis
Ecological Economics (2023)
U Jarrett, S Miller, H Mohtadi
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  (2019)
S Miller, A Rassweiler, L Dee, KM Kleisner, T Mangin, R Oliveros-Ramos, ...